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Dell EMC Integrated Marketing

Dell EMC Integrated Marketing

Redesign and launch of Dell EMC's Integrated Marketing responsive templates.

The client was very happy and sent a complimentary email for all the hard work:

“Alex and I wanted to thank you for supporting and influencing the launch of some really killer campaign experiences this past week. Last week flew by and I know the hard work didn’t start just last week – we’ve been working on the strategy, design, copy, componentization of these things for quite a while and it is really satisfying to ‘MAKE IT REAL!’ Storytelling. Storytelling. Storytelling.

Thank you for your hard work, continuing to be a great partner and collaborating with us to achieve our goals. We look forward to continuing to build these impactful customer and prospective digital experiences in partnership with your team.”

Solutions template 


Claims Component

Due to its complicated nature, the claims component was handed off to development with thorough specs to assist in proper implementation across responsive breakpoints.


Design system and hand off to development

Sketch's multiple art boards, styles and symbols were invaluable in building out the responsive design system. InVision's new Craft Sketch plugin came in handy to consolidate colors and text styles. And, a new collaboration app for UI designers and front-end developers, streamlined handoff to development, providing easy access to CSS styles and measurements. Steve, our front-end developer on the project, gives it a big thumbs up!