Audio Ad Center
AAC is a B-to-B service that enables small businesses to advertise on radio web streams in their local markets. AAC provides access to the large CBS Radio network of stations (125 stations in 26 cities) and offers services in ad production, from providing a library of pre-recorded commercials to recording custom ads.
The objective of the redesign was to revamp messaging, structure and design of the home page and pricing page to improve customer conversion. Customer surveys revealed confusion in understanding what the service actually was. Target users are entrepreneurial, hard working, independent, DIY, and dedicated to making their small businesses prosper within a limited budget.
The design’s tone is sleek, modern and industrial with a polished grey color palette and clean grid, reflecting the product’s aim of enabling individual access to professional, expensive-seeming products. The following adjectives reflect the design direction: professional, trustworthy, helpful, capable, assertive, confident, credible, efficient, reliable, intelligent, and successful.
Audio Ad Center
AAC is a B-to-B service that enables small businesses to advertise on radio web streams in their local markets. AAC provides access to the large CBS Radio network of stations (125 stations in 26 cities) and offers services in ad production, from providing a library of pre-recorded commercials to recording custom ads.
The objective of the redesign was to revamp messaging, structure and design of the home page and pricing page to improve customer conversion. Customer surveys revealed confusion in understanding what the service actually was. Target users are entrepreneurial, hard working, independent, DIY, and dedicated to making their small businesses prosper within a limited budget.
The design’s tone is sleek, modern and industrial with a polished grey color palette and clean grid, reflecting the product’s aim of enabling individual access to professional, expensive-seeming products. The following adjectives reflect the design direction: professional, trustworthy, helpful, capable, assertive, confident, credible, efficient, reliable, intelligent, and successful.
Different ideas for visualizing recommendations
Working on grid
Working on page rhythm and font selections